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Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum opened

Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum opened
Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum opened

Burkhardt Leitner display systems were used in the gift shop section designed and implemented by the Terminal Space Solution Center.


With its light aluminum structure, illuminated surfaces and LED hidden shelves, the clic has been preferred because of its ability to exhibit the best by concealing itself in an old museum building.


The Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum is located in the historical Abraham Pasha Mansion, which was built by Ottoman civil servant Abraham Pasha in Beykoz Grove and has a covered area of 1,400 square meters. Restored three years ago, the mansion-turned-museum contains works mostly registered in the inventory of the National Palaces.


Design & Application: Terminal Design

Photos: Mert Kibar

Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum opened
Beykoz Crystal and Glass Museum opened