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Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media

Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media
Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media

Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media is taking place in 2018 already for the seventh time with Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces's sponsor partnership this year; from November 14 – 16 the Raumwelten congress will be held at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. This years motto: out of senses!


At the congress, over 40 high-profile speakers in panels, keynote speeches and workshops on the subject of "From the senses!" Will discuss how communication in space becomes a holistic experience. Among others Akin Nalca will be there for 2 Workshops.

Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media